Meet learning needs through diverse assessments

Construct diverse assessments in less time using our expert-vetted item banks and interactive item types.

Accessible classrooms are built for the individual student.

About 15 percent of public school students have disabilities or fall below below the poverty line, and English Language Learners make up around 10 percent of children in American schools. Often times we, as educators, are unaware of the circumstances affecting a student's ability to learn, so we provide the highest quality education to every student. One way we support individuals in the classroom is by making education more accessible to each individual.
We know that educators want to provide a world-class education to every student. At Eduphoria, we want to empower them to do so. Using our assessment software, educators can craft student-centric assessments that accurately measure readiness. Because data is so accessible to both the student and the teacher, educators can work with students to identify learning gaps and improve accessibility to those with higher support needs.

Choose from our selection of interactive item types

student and teacher at a desk
Assessment experts already know that each question type has limitations. If multiple choice questions are effective measures of a level one depth of knowledge, they will probably not accurately measure a level four depth of knowledge. Plus, students with disabilities often struggle disproportionately with multiple choice questions. So, how can teachers create rigorous assessments that are fair measures of mastery for all students?
Create interactive assessments that engage and challenge students using one of our fifteen Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs).
Encourage self-assessment during online testing. Increase student engagement and metacognition with our student confidence tool. Then, encourage students to reflect after they receive their scores.

Toggle testing supports for students with specific learning needs

Teachers and administrators can rest assured that students with designated supports are receiving the accommodations they need on their assessments. Teachers can even experiment with adding testing supports for students who may need more accommodations than they’re receiving.
Our integrated data warehouse helps teachers and administrators to track whether a student is receiving and using their accommodations on assessments.
Easily assign individualized supports. Our question types support a variety of accommodations, including spelling assistance, Spanish testing interface, text-to-speech, and content clarifiers.
student and teacher at a desk

Assemble standard-conscious assessments from pre-built item banks

Quality assessments take time to write and perfect. Teachers are often limited on the kind of planning time it would take to create reliable assessments for each turning point in a unit. That’s why we partner with Education Resource Centers to provide pre-created, expert-vetted item banks using our interactive item types. Educators can use the time they save analyzing data to further student growth.
  • Quickly assemble assessments made by assessment experts. As you create, verify that you’re measuring the learning domains and depth of knowledge that you’re hoping to assess.
  • Create instant retests using Aware’s blueprint capabilities. Once a retest has been created, Aware will verify that it matches the rigor, structure, and depth of the original assessment.
  • Share pre-created assessments with your school or district. You can also administer safe and secure district-level assessments via the proctor panel to maintain the integrity of the assessment and the data it collects.

Define and track unique indicators of success

Aware is more than an assessment creation tool for traditional online and paper assessments. It also helps teachers to measure more complex displays of mastery. For multimedia projects, essays, and presentations, create scoring cut-offs and rubrics that stretch students into the next depth of knowledge. For students whose mastery level may be more nuanced, teachers can track that, too.
Rubric evaluations allow teachers to assess students at deeper levels than a traditional assessment can support. Create rubrics for exciting projects that will inspire students to do their best work.
Mastery Tracker enables teachers to assign more subjective mastery levels to monitor group students. Because some students display mastery in unique ways, educators should be able to reward those displays of knowledge and skill with a fair designation.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes. Our accessibility tools match the needs of students across the nation. They're user-friendly for students, so they can easily adapt to the testing interface. We offer technology-enhanced items, testing supports such as speech-to-text and content clarifiers, and print capabilities. Teachers and admins can also track whether students are using their available accommodations on assessments.

You can toggle testing supports on or off with a single click. You can also mass-assign supports. This means that teachers can experiment with providing additional accommodations to students to see which testing supports improve their performance. This data can be a powerful tool for the advocacy of students who need additional accommodations to reach their maximum potential.

Talk to our assessment experts about how our tools can support your students and staff