Author and administer secure online assessments

Get instant, trustworthy data for your local, district-wide, or state-level assessments.

Enjoy peace of mind on test day

A young girl works diligently on her assignment.
Both students and teachers experience anxiety on test days. With Aware, you don’t have to worry about the security of student information or test integrity. Our built-in safety and security features allow educators to focus on their students when major assessments come around.
Our data warehouse keeps sensitive information safe and secure, so users only see the information they have permission to see.
Conduct district-mandated testing in a controlled environment with our LockDown Browser extension.

Write local assessments for local needs

Your learning community has unique needs, strengths, and learning gaps. You should be able to write assessments that are tailored to them. District leaders and teachers can write and share tests that assess community-wide trends. Using Aware, educators can create truly individualized, diverse assessments that keep the student at the forefront.
Analyze learning trends and gaps with our test analysis tools, then write assessments that measure growth along those domains.
Our test creation tools help educators measure mastery at multiple depths of knowledge and reduce the noise of other variables, such as cultural or language differences.
Teachers and administrators can toggle student testing supports on or off per exam. See which students need consistent testing supports, and make sure your higher support needs students are receiving their accommodations.
A student works on her laptop with her library books at her side.

Accurately measure reteaching initiatives

With all of the data available in Aware, teachers can quickly identify students who need the most support, craft reteaching initiatives in Forethought, then instantly assemble a retest. Because our applications support the entire cycle of teaching, assessment, reteaching, and re-testing, educators can use the time they save enriching each student's individual classroom experience.
Retest tool in Aware. The test blueprint shows the status of successfully uploaded items and allows you to toggle a preview on or off.
  • Our retest tool instantly assembles reliable assessments using built-in item banks. That way teachers are certain they’re testing with measured rigor and depth of knowledge.
  • Students can weigh in on their improved confidence level using the student confidence tool. This provides teachers with more nuanced data about their students’ strengths and misconceptions.

Filter the data you want to see

It can be difficult to make sense of things when you’re monitoring thousands of students. Important curriculum and assessment conclusions are inevitably lost to the largest demographic. With our quick views, filtering options, and data visualization tools, educators at every level of your district can monitor group-wide student growth and still narrow their focus, so every student has a chance at success.
Teachers can create a set of saved data filters that allow them to easily access data for students they want to monitor.
Identify and target specific learning needs with our data visualization tools. See group and individual assessment trends with detailed demographics views, so every student’s progress is tracked and celebrated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The LockDown Browser extension prevents students from leaving their current window. Teachers can also "white list" a website, so students can access tools they need while they're in the testing interface. District Admins can also create an "allow list" that enables students to access websites that provide tools they can use during the assessment.

Yes, schools can use their integrated authentication method for easy log-in.

Yes. Districts can customize their roles and rights to allow specific individuals to access the data they need. Say an instructional specialist needs to access student information to support teachers of students with individualized education plans (IEP), the right can be given to them through the roles and rights settings.

Yes. Student and teacher data is safe and secure. Only those with the permission to see information for each student, class, grade level, or teacher can see that information within Aware.

Eduphoria does not author and share assessments; however, teachers can administer district and administrator-authored assessments. Teachers can also quickly create local assessments if their district subscribes to a test item bank. Test item banks allow teachers to copy assessment items specific to their subject area, grade level, and desired depth of knowledge.

Speak with our team about our secure online assessment platform