Products and Solutions
Ed tech products for K-12 educators
Our products are backed by decades of research and education experience, so educators can enjoy a suite of tools that just make sense together.
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Assessments and student progress
Explore Aware
Student monitoring
Provide a world-class education to every student with student-centric data tools
Post-assessment actions
Engage and empower students through metacognitive activities
Diverse assessments
Support learners with diverse assessments and item types
Secure online assessments
Author and administer safe and secure online assessments
Analyze assessment scores
Use our data visualization tools to gather quick insights for data-based decision-making
Student growth initiatives
Analyze assessment score trends and individual learning needs for school-wide growth
Integrate staff evaluation and goal setting
Explore Strive
Staff evaluations
Observe, evaluate, and mentor staff members with a customizable online process
Professional growth
Create a positive professional growth culture with goals-driven, relevant opportunities
Teacher Incentive Allotment
Power your TIA process with a TEA-approved technical support provider
Lesson planning and collaborative activity editor
Explore Forethought
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Student monitoring tools
Post-assessment actions
Diverse assessments
Secure onlie assessments
Analyze assessment scores
Student growth initiatives
Staff evaluations
Teacher Incentive Allotment
Professional growth
About us
Curriculum 101: How to implement MTSS in your classroom
Curriculum 101: MTSS Basics
E-book: Data 101 for new and developing administrators
Ranking 9 great teachers from movies and TV
Strive for success with T-TESS
Inclusive assessment design: writing fair tests for diverse classrooms
Learning through film: Frightful Flicks
How to create and manage an unbiased teacher evaluation system
How to teach students to take ownership of their learning
How to strengthen teacher evaluation systems to improve student growth
Top 10 tech topics to discuss with your students
How Principals can be data pioneers for their schools: A step-by-step guide through the lens of Spongebob Squarepants
10 Tips to help teachers relax and recuperate this summer
How to establish and maintain strong classroom procedures
360 degrees of professional learning: Data-informed, personal, and collaborative
Why I got into teaching
Why do we assess?
What does student growth mean in practice?
Transforming the teacher experience to avoid the education brain drain
Transforming compliance training into an innovative, interactive experience
Top 10 budgeting tips for your district
Student growth and progress
Regarding a growth mindset and assessment
Professional development or professional learning?
Learning and doing
Innovative + online professional learning
Coaching conversation
A day in the life of Eduphoria support
3rd graders turn parent night upside down
Our Company
Professional Evaluation
Professional Learning
Program Analysis
Student Assessment
Student Growth
Student Learning Analysis
Student Monitoring
Teacher Tips
classroom management