Empower students with post-assessment activities

Grant students power over their educational growth with metacognition tools and post-assessment activities.

Build student confidence and metacognition skills.

Educators dream of their perfect classroom.
Educators dream of their perfect classroom. In it, the students work together. Sometimes they’re quiet, and other times they’re laughing and making their voices heard. Kindness, cooperation, and understanding radiate through each lesson and activity. In classrooms like these, students are engaged. More than that, they’re empowered. They have the tools, the confidence, and the support to take control of their learning journey.
The perfect classroom doesn’t exist, and that’s okay! Educators can still cultivate a thriving learning environment when they put data back into the students’ hands. Data empowers them to take control, and that control gives them ownership. When students take ownership of their learning, they teach themselves, self–correct, and dig deeper all on their own. They feel safe and at home in the classroom environment. With Aware, you can use data to engage and empower.

Drive metacognitive practices with reflection activities

student and teacher at a desk
Students need to know how to adapt when their problem-solving tactics aren’t working, but it’s equally important for them to know how to evaluate and implement feedback. Our tools allow students to self-reflect, problem-solve, and evaluate feedback both during and after their assessments.
Students can quickly select their level of confidence about an assessment question during their online exams. Using the student confidence tool, students can self-correct, identify weaknesses and grow their confidence in strong subject areas.
Teacher-created reflection questions allow students to evaluate feedback and change their learning strategies. Reflection fosters student ownership and engagement.

Help students experience growth and success through retests

Assessments help students and teachers identify learning gaps. So, if a student received reteaching, then a retest is needed to assess each student’s growth. However, writing a reliable retest that closely mirrors the original assessment isn’t easy. With Aware, you don’t have to call in your assessment expert to create retests with stable testing conditions.
Our retests follow a blueprint that allows teachers to instantly assemble an assessment with measured depth of knowledge and student learning domains.
See a wide range of item type options from our third-party item banks. Once the retest is assembled, the instructor can double-check that each question has a close enough match in the item banks.
student and teacher at a desk

Encourage students to manage their own learning goals

When students are motivated by learning, they’re more likely to take the lead and follow their passions. You can create a feedback cycle by assigning reflection questions that kickstart their learning ownership journey. Then, reward their unique displays of mastery through the Mastery Tracker.
  • Customize your reflection questions to help students meet their goals. What you ask after an assessment is up to you. Your questions can help students engage with their learning process and generate ideas for projects, goals, and cross-subject, higher-level thinking in your curricula.
  • Talk with students and use their self-assessments to measure growth. Thanks to Mastery Tracker, assessment scores don’t have to be the only word on a student’s progress. Use a student’s post-assessment activities to inform your expert opinion of their progress toward a goal.

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Once your students have formed goals, you can ask them reflection questions that help them articulate their progress toward that goal. Plus, their assessment data is accessible through their student portal. They have near-instant access to their scores and can revisit their confidence ratings, so any areas with mismatched confidence can signal to them that they may need some clarification and reteaching.

Aware has several tools that make it easy to track the success of your interventions. Mastery Tracker allows teachers to assign individual Mastery Levels based on their conversations with students, assessment scores, and assignments. Teachers can document classroom evidence of progress in the Mastery Tracker. Students who are put into a monitor group are quickly accessible through Quick Views. Easily access updated assessment scores and then deep dive into their assessment data with Single-Test Analysis to see whether they’re progressing in weak subject areas. Administrators can also assign forms to teachers of students who need additional monitoring, so they can collaborate on the growth of that student.

When combined with their assessment data and reflections, student confidence data can provide a wealth of information about a student’s learning habits, weaknesses, and strengths. For example, a student with low confidence who answered a question correctly may need enrichment to strengthen their confidence. They may also need reteaching if they happened to guess correctly. A student with high confidence who answered incorrectly likely has a fundamental misconception of that learning domain. This data provides nuanced insights about a student’s subject level and metacognitive weaknesses that can be targeted with interventions and enrichment.

Ready to see how our metacognitive tools empower students?