In our last post, we were happy to introduce our amazing Eduphoria Support Team. But did you ever wonder... what's it like? What does a normal (or not so normal) day look like for these awesome Eduphorians?
Here's a sneak peek at what goes on behind the scenes to help keep our customers supported, encouraged, and up to speed.
7:03 AM - It's early. Lee & Ismael arrive, check for high priority items.
Our early risers start out the day as the first tickets begin to hit the inbox. Our morning routines include scanning the inbox for urgent items, reviewing key communications from districts, and verifying information around internal communications. Oh and for most of us, a nice strong cup of coffee!

7:55 AM - Team Huddle
We work best when we collaborate. We are a diverse team with varied experiences and multiple skill sets; many of us have experience working within K-12 education, including teachers, campus administrators, administrative staff, and campus technology specialists. Each morning we check in (either formally or informally) to make sure we are all caught up on what’s current.

9:00 AM - Tier 2 Check-In
Our Tier 2 technical teams are often just a web-meeting away to provide advanced support for a data project, special request, or urgent matter that needs to be resolved. Darren, Jimmy, and Ira are always ready to jump right in and assist a district with getting back on track.
10:00 AM - Agents on Call
Side by side troubleshooting and support is what we do. Experienced agents work directly with customers as well as collaboratively to make sure we can provide the best support to our callers.

11:00 AM - Outbound Calling
Sometimes it takes time to save time! Our Outbound Support Specialist, Lee, may schedule an outbound call with customers to get to the root of the issue they may be running into. Or, you may request to schedule time with him to help facilitate a special project or additional support for a new staff member.

12:00 NOON - Lunch Shifts
Although we’re coworkers, we’re also friends! You’ll often find the group heading out together during our lunch shift to enjoy a yummy buffet!
2:00 PM - E-mail Support Huddle
Email support takes a slightly different approach than phones. You may receive a follow up email from us requesting more information to help us see what you’re seeing, or get to the root cause of the issue you’re reporting. Even though phone support and email support take slightly different forms, the collaborative approach we take to problem-solving is the same across channels.
3:30 PM - Breakout Sessions
We live a culture of support, and our inbound team lead, Jimmy, works with different groups to ensure we review feedback, receive necessary training, and have time to reflect and ask questions about recent inquiries to the team.
4:45 PM - Team Huddle
Breaking down the day allows us to recap and slate any items for follow up, confirm necessary items were communicated to other teams, and review upcoming information. Although our days can often be very busy, our team has a culture of service and support that underlays everything we do.
We hope you've enjoyed this little glimpse into the busy lives of the Eduphoria Support Team. We can't wait to chat with you again, or meet you in person at an upcoming event! And as always, to our valued customers and partners, a huge THANK YOU for your continued business.